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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 2: State Order(黄帝四经2: 国次)
By Anonymous Author
2008-02-14 08:55:18

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

An Abstract
A state without law and order would be out of joint. Whoever steals openly will be disgraced by Heaven; Whoever steal secretly will lay waste to the land; Whoever overuse the land will be punished by natural calamities; Whoever abuses power will be exiled by the people; Whoever forms factions will suffer troubles from both inside and outside.

The Text
A state without law and order would be out of joint.Taking without giving will lead to its own extinction. By following the ultimate Tao of Heaven a declining state can be revived. If punishments are not proper, the punishers will suffer disaster. If wars are waged against those who deserve punishment and death, their state should be smashed to pieces at one blow. To annex it without taking the credit is to recognize the work of Heaven.

Heaven and Earth are selfless. So, the cycle of the Four Seasons is never ending. As the way of Heaven and Earth is followed, saintly people can work wonders. If one goes beyond the proper limit to the extreme, disasters will fall from Heaven. Humans need to be prudent not to challenge the Heavenly Way. When you are overwhelmed, you will follow It. Make the Heavenly Way your own first, and then you will have your own way in everything.

Follow the ultimate Tao of Heaven; but do not take credit for Heaven’s accomplishment. If you, on taking over other people’s state, repair its city walls, occupy its palaces and temples, let yourself be charmed by their bell-and-drum music, reap benefits from their material wealth, and make their daughters your wives, this is going against the Tao, which will ruin your own state. So, only saintly people will follow the ultimate Tao of Heaven and do things properly. The Way of Heaven and Earth requires three accomplishments only. If one goes beyond these, one would be in danger. So, saintly people, on taking over others’ land, will destroy its city walls and burn their musical bells and drums; scatter their wealth and disperse their descendants; and divide their land among worthy people. These are accomplishments by Heaven. If they remain unharmed, no disaster will fall.

Do not steal openly; Nor secretly; Do not overuse the land; Do not take advantage of one’s position to serve one’s own interests; Do not form factions. Whoever steals openly will be disgraced by Heaven; Whoever steal secretly will lay waste to the land; Whoever overuse the land will be punished by natural calamities; Whoever abuses power will be exiled by the people; whoever forms factions will suffer troubles from both inside and outside. Theft in broad daylight will lead to disaster; Theft in dark to famine; Overuse of land to its wasting away; Abuse of power to loss of support from the people; And factionalism to chaos – they are called the Five Offences. When all of them are committed,…[words missing]… when one disrupt the normal order, violate due regulations, tamper with state institutions at will, one is inviting danger and disaster. All these acts are transgressing the proper limits set by the Tao of Heaven.


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