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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 3: The Upright King(黄帝四经3 : 君正)
By Anonymous Author
2008-02-16 01:07:42

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

An Abstract
The Heavenly Way determines the cycle of life and death of all things. The way of governing a state determines its survival or perishing. To give and nourish new life in the Heavenly Way is called “Wen” ( 文,governing by civil measures); To exterminate evil by force as decreed by the Tao of Heaven is called “Wu” ( 武). The coordinated use of civil and military power will make all-under-heaven comply. An upright king running a newly-annexed state follows the local customs in the first year, and in the second year selects local people with virtue to fill official positions. In the third year, people reap the benefits from his reign and get plenty. In the forth year the king begins to issue decrees, and to govern with law in the fifth year. In the sixth year, people begin to show awe and deference. And in the seventh year, it is safe to go to battles against an enemy.

The Text
An upright king running a newly-annexed state follows the local customs in the first year, and in the second year selects local people with virtue to fill official positions. In the third year, people reap the benefits from his reign and get plenty. In the forth year the king begins to issue decrees, and to govern with law in the fifth year. In the sixth year, people begin to show awe and deference. And in the seventh year, it is safe to go to battles against an enemy.

By following the local customs in the first year, the king gets to know the public’s notions of right and wrong, good and evil. Promoting virtuous persons in the second year will encourage all others to make efforts and emulate them. In the third year, people are already affluent because the king has waived taxes from the very beginning. In the forth year he can start issuing decrees, In the fifth year, evil acts will be punished by law and people dare not take any chances. From the sixth year on, the king enjoys respect from the public. With people’s support behind him, he can go out for battles and win against any strong enemies in the seventh year.

To follow local customs means to have regard for people’s wishes. To promote virtuous persons means to cherish and encourage them. To help people gain benefits means to lift the ban on opening up wasteland and abolish mountain pass taxes. To issue decrees means to group families in fives and tens, select worthy persons to manage them and discriminate the unworthy ones from others, making each person responsible for preventing all group members from violating the law. To govern with law means to punish criminals without leniency. Finally, It’s safe to go to battles because people will risk their lives for the state.

Once a call is issued, people will respond at once, gathering around the king and making concerted efforts. If people do not harbor perfidious thoughts, then success is at hand either in defending a city or in launching an attack. All orders will be executed at once, as obeying orders has become peoples’ habit. They would exhort and encourage each other because the king cherishes them. Either called to war or told to till the land, people will obey as the king makes a point of following the temporal cycles of Heaven.

Those who are rewarded would not be grateful while those punished bear no grudge, because rewards and punishments are appropriate and deserved. People are ranked according to their worthiness; the noble and the lowly are distinguished, among other ways, by prescribing different costumes: persons of lower status are not allowed to wear those for higher-ranking people. Thus, no theft or robbery would happen throughout the state, nor evil thoughts occur to people because they have plenty to live on and punishments for crimes are firmly executed according to the law. A state defending itself with abundant supplies can stand against any attacks, whereas one taking the offensive while suffering insufficiency would invite self- destruction.

The Heavenly Way determines the cycle of life and death of all things. The way of governing a state determines its survival or perishing. To give and nourish new life in the Heavenly Way is called “Wen” ( 文,governing by civil measures); To exterminate evil by force as decreed by the Tao of Heaven is called “Wu” ( 武). The coordinated use of civil and military power will make all-under-heaven comply.

Humans depend for life on land. The basic principle in the use of land is that of “suitability” – to grow crops that are most suitable to the soil, climate and other local conditions. The key point in the principle of “suitability” is not to miss the farming season. To keep up with the change of seasons, it is important to use manpower properly. The aim in arranging manpower is to see that everybody brings his potential to full play. The key to fully unleashing people’s potential is to leave them some leeway. Learn to know what plants suit the land, sow seeds in the right season, and use manpower sparingly – and then wealth accumulates. If taxes are reasonable, the people will have plenty to live on. When people do not have to worry about their livelihood, they will have a sense of shame. When they have a sense of shame,  they will get used to obeying orders and dare not offend against the law. When obeying orders and abiding by the law becomes a popular habit, victory is assured in battles either defensive or offensive.

Of all political institutions, law is the most important. Therefore, the rule of law should not be arbitrary. The installment of legal institutions should be out of the hands of irresponsible people. The law-makers’ and law-executors’ selfless impartiality and consistency in administering rewards and punishments are essential for bringing about a good social order. Reducing red tape, mitigating taxes and not encroaching upon people’s time for farming are fundamentals for social stability. If not treating the people as a father does to his children, a king would not be able to secure their services as from devoted sons and daughters. Without motherly virtue, he cannot bring people’s potential to full play. Cherishing the people is a manifestation of Heavenly virtue and the guarantee for the accomplishment of anything. If he admits all able persons from far and near, then he is well prepared for self-defense. If he uses both civil measures and military might in the Heavenly Way, then all-under-heaven will come to join. Decrees will be complied with when they are in line with people’s wishes, and popular support for the king comes with his selfless and equal love for all.

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