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Current Affairs Review
California expands climate goals as Trump curbs carbon rules
By Rory Carroll   2017-01-23
Trump’s White House vows to kill Obama’s Climate Action Plan
By Michael Walsh   2017-01-22
WhiteHouse.Gov Official Healthcare Page Deleted After Trump Inauguration, Not Included Among US Issues
By DENISSE MORENO   2017-01-22
Is this what we’ve come to, America?
By Dana Milbank   2017-01-21
President Trump and the end of the American Century
By Matt Bai   2017-01-20
Dystopian Donald: The Future According to Trump
By Tom Engelhardt   2017-01-20
Op-Ed: Why Elizabeth Warren is no longer the darling of the left
By Jordan Chariton   2017-01-19
America: the Failed State
By Francis Fukuyama   2017-01-19
America's political rot is infecting the world order. This could be as big as the Soviet collapse
Just when you thought the Trump ethics disaster couldn’t get worse, it did
By Richard Painter & Norman Eisen   2017-01-18
Eight men own same as poorest half of world: Oxfam
By AFP   2017-01-18
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