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Current Affairs Review
Trump sets tougher restrictions on lobbying by officials
14,900 nukes: All the nations armed with atomic weapons and how many they have
By Skye Gould and Dave Mosher   2017-01-28
Republicans to kill U.S. rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week
By Lisa Lambert / Reuters   2017-01-28
Tomgram: William Astore, A Violent Cesspool of Our Own Making
By William Astore   2017-01-27
... think of Trump as more symptom than cause, the outward manifestation of an inner spiritual disease that continues to eat away at the country’s societal matrix...
U.S. government scientists go 'rogue' in defiance of Trump
By Steve Gorman   2017-01-26
Where will Trump’s aides draw the line on lies?
By Matt Bai   2017-01-26
On a Saturday in the fall of 1973, President Nixon called his attorney general, Elliot Richardson, and ordered him to...
Religious organizations condemn Trump’s expected orders on refugees
By Caitlin Dickson   2017-01-26
Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders gathered ...to condemn expected orders by President Trump... [which] “does not make our country safer.”
California governor defiant in face of Trump agenda
By JULIET WILLIAMS   2017-01-25
OLD STORY RETOLD: Mouseland (Video)
By Xinfajia   2017-01-25
Bill Introduced to End US Membership in UN
By Brian Freeman   2017-01-24
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