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Current Affairs Review
It’s Only a Matter of Time Before There Is Blood on the Streets
By Charlie Daniels   2017-02-16
Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia
By Paul C. Roberts,Michael Hudson   2017-02-16
California's Oroville Dam disaster is a wake-up call for America
By Jake Novak   2017-02-16
Write your members of Congress today and urge them to cosponsor the "Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act"
By Union of Concerned Scientists   2017-02-15
To prohibit the president from launching a nuclear first strike without a declaration of war from Congress
Ignorance Is Strength
By Paul Krugman   2017-02-15
Diaoyutai islands have belonged to China, not Japan. Please correct the policy.
By B.C.   2017-02-11
We were dismayed by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ statement defending Japan’s illegal claim on the Diaoyutai islands ...
China says United States should 'brush up on' South China Sea history
By Reuters   2017-02-11
Congress’ oversight of the White House is put on indefinite hold
By Steve Benen   2017-02-11
To make America great, Trump must collaborate with China
By George Koo   2017-02-11
Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention
By Chris Cillizza   2017-02-10
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