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Current Affairs Review
New documents show Trump retains direct tie to businesses (with video and visualizations)
By Julie Bykowicz and Chad Day   2017-02-06
Wall St. lending to Main St. even as many decry Dodd-Frank
By Ken Sweet   2017-02-06
Neil Gorsuch? Originalism and the Fall of Icarus
By Harold Lloyd   2017-02-04
Tomgram: William Hartung, Investing in the Military (and Little Else)
By William Hartung   2017-02-03
US: A nation of immigrants, but ambivalent about immigration
By Jerry Schwartz   2017-02-03
Trump’s not Orwellian. He’s the distracter-in-chief.
By Matt Bai   2017-02-02
American Christianity is in Turmoil
By Stephen Mattson   2017-02-02
The Inevitability Of Impeachment
By Robert Kuttner   2017-01-31
After just one week.
Tomgram: Nomi Prins, Goldmanizing Donald Trump
By Nomi Prins   2017-01-31
Give Trump credit for his focus on jobs
By Rick Newman   2017-01-30
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