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Current Affairs Review
White House: Robots will kill jobs and make inequality worse
By Ethan Wolff-Mann   2016-12-22
Why do so many people miss the Soviet Union?
By Adam Taylor   2016-12-21
These 100 CEOs have more retirement savings than 41% of American households combined
By Alvin Chang & Javier Zarracina   2016-12-21
Tomgram: Nick Turse, Washington's America-First Commandos in Africa
By Nick Turse   2016-12-19
The Coming Culture Wars in the Trump Era: Frugality vs. Consumption
By Robert McGarvey   2016-12-19
Experts predict a frugality backlash as more consumers take a stand against conspicuous consumption. -- The New Legalist editor: Conspicuous consumption is based on Corporate America extorting wealth and resources from all over the world at the expense of 99% American and world peoples and at the expense of the ecosystem, backed by US military and financial hegemonism!
Trump is enlisting the rich to help the downtrodden
By Rick Newman   2016-12-18
What tax cuts usually do accomplish right away is making the wealthy better off. That has already happened since Trump got elected on Nov. 8... Trump’s wealthy advisers are undoubtedly smart. But many other smart people have tackled the same problem, with little to show for their efforts.
Genetic Roulette -The Gamble of Our Lives
By Institute for Responsible Tech   2016-12-17
A film by Jeffrey M. Smith – Narrated by Lisa Oz; A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology
It’s not just Trump. Immigrants are the global right’s main scapegoat.
By Justin Salhani   2016-12-17
Western populist parties are stoking fear to gain support. France’s National Front is the latest example
Tomgram: Tim Shorrock, American Military Power in Asia and the Trump Factor
By Tim Shorrock   2016-12-16
Watch Bernie Sanders Make a Trump Supporter Question Her Stance in Just 2 Minutes (with video)
By KELSEY GARCIA   2016-12-15
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