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THE BOOK OF LORD SHANG (商君书) 5: Translator’s Introduction: Historical Criticism of the Life of Shang Yang
By Anonymous   2009-03-08
THE BOOK OF LORD SHANG (商君书) 4: Translator’s Introduction: The Life of Shang Yang (2)
By Anonymous   2008-12-13
When Lord Shang governed Ch'in the laws were greatly practised; they were in the public interest and equitable, without favouritism, the punishments not sparing the strong and great, nor the rewards being exclusively bestowed on relatives and friends. ...After a year, things dropped on the road were not picked up, and the people did not take things improperly. His military equipment, both for defence and attack, was very strong....
THE BOOK OF LORD SHANG (商君书) 3: Translator’s Introduction: The Life of Shang Yang (1)
By Anonymous   2008-12-13
...When Wei Yang had defeated Wei, on his return to Ch’in, he was awarded fifteen cities in Shang, as fief, and was called the Lord of Shang. When Lord Shang had been Chancellor of Ch’in for ten years, the majority of the members of the princely family and of the nobility bore him a grudge....
THE BOOK OF LORD SHANG (商君书) 2: Translator’s Introduction: Shang Yang and the Rise of Ch’in
By Anonymous   2008-12-08
The name of Shang Yang is connected with the phenomenal rise of the state of Ch’in. In little more than a century, that state, from being an insignificant and backward country on the far western borders of China, rose to such a commanding position, that it swallowed up the various feudal states and founded the Ch’in dynasty, which made a deep and lasting mark on Chinese history.
THE BOOK OF LORD SHANG (商君书) 1: Preface to the English Translation
By Anonymous   2008-12-08
The Legalist reform initiated by Shang Yang brought about the rise of the Qin State, which laid the foundation for the unification of ancient China under the First Emperor Qin. This Book of Lord Shang is a classical record of this reform.
Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》) : Chap. 85
By Anonymous   2008-11-30
On the degree of seriousness of various issues (6).
Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》): Chap. 84
By Anonymous   2008-11-26
On the degree of seriousness of various issues.(5)
Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》): Chap. 83
By Anonymous   2008-11-25
On the degree of seriousness of various issues (4).
Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》): Chap. 81
By Anonymous   2008-11-11
On the degree of seriousness of various issues (2)
Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》): Chap. 80
By Anonymous   2008-11-08
On the degree of seriousness of various issues (1).
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