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Guanzi · Sixteen Chapters on Weighing and Balancing Economic Factors (《管子·轻重十六篇》) : Chap. 85
By Anonymous
2008-11-30 10:17:05

  (Translated by Jiangyue Zhai)

85. Number Ji on the Degree of Seriousness of Various Issues

    The clean vital energy gives birth to the heart. The heart gives birth to the dividers. The dividers give birth to the square. The square gives birth to square figures. Square figures give birth to integrity. Integrity gives birth to the calendar. The calendar gives birth to the four seasons. The four seasons give birth to tens of thousands of things. And then sages administer these things according to the situation and as a result,the right method for governing can become perfect. 

    Forty-six days after the day of the Winter Solstice,the winter season comes to an end and the spring season begins. The Son of Heaven has a platform built up forty-six li east of the capital. He then wears dark green robes and a dark green hat and carries a jade sceptre and a jade mirror to meet all sovereigns,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intellectuals and to patrol among the common people. This is called Ji Ri  (it refers to a ceremony held in worship of the sun). The offering used for the ceremony is fish. He issues an order as follows:“Do not kill anything with life but facilitate the growth of everything instead. Do not punish people but reward them instead. Do not try lawsuits until the end of the year.”In order to prolong the lifespan of the common people,they are ordered to fume their homes,to build up fire with flint stone,repair the furnace and clean the well. All kinds of tools such as ploughshares,ploughs,hoes,Huai (referring to an ancient Chinese farm tool), Si (an ancient Chinese farm tool,which was similar to the plough), Zhao (referring to an ancient Chinese farm tool), Jiang  (referring to an ancient Chinese farm tool.), Quan Qu (referring to an ancient Chinese farm tool), ropes and cords etc. should be prepared to get ready for the farm work during spring and summer. The common people are taught to brew wine and cook food so that they can behave according to the principle of filial piety. The under-aged young people without parents are addressed as Gu Zi (orphans). Old males without wives or children are addressed as Lao Guan (old widowers). Old females without husbands or children are addressed as Lao Gua (old widows). These three kinds of people can get food supplied to them from the local governments. Whether they are capable of working or not,they should be supported according to the information they reported and should not be left in oblivion. (As for the local governments,) those who accept many people of this kind will be regarded as having outstanding achievements for the state,and those who accept few will be regarded as guilty. As a result,there is no one begging for a living on the street. If there are beggars on the roads,the problem will be attributed to the prime minister. The Son of Heaven issues these edicts during the spring season.

    Ninety-two days after the day of the Winter Solstice is the day of the Vernal Equinox. The Son of Heaven has a platform built up ninety-two li east of the capital. He then meets all sovereigns,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intellectuals and patrols among the common people. This is called Ji Xing (it refers to the ceremony held in worship of the celestial bodies). Then within ten days,no adult females should stay at home and no one should travel on the road (while people should all be engaged in the farm work). Those who do not work on the fields are addressed as Zei Ren (it refers to people who might cause harm to others). Those who do not work assiduously and are dependent upon the benevolence of Heaven and Earth exclusively are addressed as disobedient people. The laziest ones among the people of each li and each division of the army are addressed as Yi Fu (it refers to people who should be forced to work). These three kinds of people should be forced to work by officers who supervise them. The Son of Heaven issues these edicts during the spring season.

    Forty-six days after the Vernal Equinox,the spring season comes to an end and the summer season begins. The Son of Heaven dresses up in yellow and stays quiet. Then he meets sovereigns of all feudatories,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intellectuals and patrols among the common people. He issues an order as follows:“Do not arrange large-scale congregations. Do not set up big fires. Do not chop down big trees. Do not excavate big mountains. Do not cut the grasses growing in the big lakes. If the three injunctions are broken,the country will have severe catastrophes.”The Son of Heaven issues these injunctions during the summer season.

    Ninety-two days after the day of the Vernal Equinox is the day of the Summer Solstice. Wheat is ripe. The Son of Heaven holds a ceremony in worship of the ancestors and offers them the newly harvested wheat. Wheat ripens first among all the crops. Ancestors are the forefathers of the clan. People of the same clan can participate in the ceremony,but those not belonging to the clan will be forbidden to do so. However, all people should hold ceremonies at the same time. Big livestock are offered during the ceremony held in worship of the deceased grandmothers. That is the Son of Heaven’s way to show his attention to the origin of the clan and respect to the deceased ones.

    Forty-six days after the Summer Solstice,the summer season comes to an end and the autumn season begins. The millet is ripe. The Son of Heaven holds a ceremony at the national temple in worship of the forerunners and offers them the newly harvested millet. Millet is of the best quality among all kinds of grain. The forerunners are the most important persons of the country. Those of extremely outstanding achievements are worshiped at big central,national temples. Those of less outstanding achievements are worshiped at small temples. And those of no achievements are not worshiped at all. People of outstanding achievements stand in lines arranged according to their ranks to enjoy the dinner served during the ceremony,and those of no achievements stand outside of the banquet watching. Forerunners are worshiped because of their achievements but not because of the personal background. That is the Son of Heaven’s way to differentiate the powerful from the powerless and to reward people with great contributions to the state.

    Ninety-two days after the day of the Summer Solstice is the day of the Autumnal Equinox. When the Autumnal Equinox comes,all crops are ripe. The Son of Heaven holds a ceremony in worship of the God of Land. One hundred and thirty-eight li west of the capital a platform is built up. The Son of Heaven dresses up in white robes and a white hat and carries a jade scepter and a tin mirror (along with him). The xun (a kind of egg-shaped,holed wind instrument) and chi (a kind of ancient Chinese instrument made of bamboo) are played and other metal and stone instruments are hit as well. The Son of Heaven meets the sovereigns of all feudatories,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intellectuals and patrols among the common people. This is called Ji Yue (it refers to a ceremony held in worship of the moon). The offering used for the ceremony is a pig. An order is issued as follows:“Punish the criminals. Do not reward any one. Deprive the people of things instead of bestowing things on them. Execute those who have been sentenced to death without mercy. Make sure that all criminals of the year are not absolved.”Livestock such as cows and horses grazing around lake areas grow fat and strong. The Son of Heaven makes these plans during the autumn season.

  Forty-six days after the Autumnal Equinox,the autumn season comes to an end and the winter season begins. The Son of Heaven dresses up in a black robe and a black hat and stays quiet. Then he meets sovereigns of all feudatories,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intellectuals and patrols among the common people. He issues an order as follows:“Do not set up big fires. Do not excavate big mountains. Do not block big waters. Do not offend the dignity of Heaven.”The Son of Heaven issues these injunctions during the winter season.

  Ninety-two days after the Autumnal Equinox,the Son of Heaven has a platform built up ninety-two li north of the capital and then he wears a black robe and a black hat to meet sovereigns of all feudatories,high-ranking officials,ordinary officials and intelleetuals. This is called Fa Yao (possibly it is a ceremony held in worship of the stars). People living in mountainous areas are urged to cut down trees to make weapons and utensils. People living in swampy areas are urged to chop firewood and store enough for later use. Three months later,all people are allowed to trade their possessions with each other for things they need. Thus,things stored during the last three months are circulated among them.

    In places where the spring ploughing has been urged but people living there have failed to do so,the living conditions are bad. That is the problem caused by overlooking the spring ploughing. In fields that should be weeded but people living there have failed to do so,all kinds of grasses will thrive and the common people there can scarcely manage to survive. That is the problem caused by overlooking weeding. In places where crops should be harvested but people living there have failed to do so,winds and rains will come and the common people will die or at least suffer from some diseases. That is the problem caused by overlooking the harvest. In places where things should be stored but people living there have failed to do so,fogs will prevail,plants and creatures which should die will thrive and animals and insects which should hibernate will start to sing. That is the problem caused by overlooking the storing of things. Moreover,ploughshares should be used as bows,hoes should be used as swords and halberds straw raincoats should be used as corselets,and straw hats should be used as shields. Thus,when all the farming tools are ready,all kinds of weapons are ready as well.

(The end.)

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