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Current Affairs Review
Trump’s Trade War and the Emerging Corporatist-Fascist State
By ANTHONY DIMAGGIO   2019-08-30
RELATED: The Week Trump Hit Peak Megalomania
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, How the U.S. Created the Central American Immigration Crisis
By Rebecca Gordon   2019-08-30
Farm Rot is Eating America Alive
The Trump trade war may never end
By Rick Newman   2019-08-28
Andrew Yang's AMAZING Speech at the DNC Summer 2019 Meeting - 8/23/19 (Video)
By alacritythief   2019-08-28
RELATED: 2020 White House race: Democrat Andrew Yang rolls out plan to tackle climate change
Tomgram: William Astore, Military Strength Is Our National Religion
By William Astore   2019-08-28
RELATED: Rattling the Nuclear Cage / Rattling the Nuclear Cage
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Creating a Spectacle of Slaughter at the Movies
By Tom Engelhardt   2019-08-27
'As Iowan as cornfields': How immigration changed one small town
By CLAIRE POTTER   2019-08-26
RELATED: UN: Not 'invaders': Some Hispanic families in the Southwest predate the US entirely / Migrant deaths in Americas top 500 so far this year / Why Trump's efforts to keep immigrants out hurts the U.S. economy
Elizabeth Warren To Introduce Bill Revoking Medals Of Honor For Wounded Knee Massacre
By Jennifer Bendery,HuffPost   2019-08-24
RELATED: We should welcome deep digs into 1619. Slavery and white supremacy shaped today's America
Buttigieg making faith-based appeal to voters in 2020 bid
By THOMAS BEAUMONT, AP   2019-08-24
The president and GOP are total HYPOCITES!!! - The New Legalist editor as an average reader: "There's a lot about the stewardship of creation that is in Scripture that I don't see being honored by the administration right now, not to mention the stuff about loving your neighbor and taking care of the least among us and feeding the poor," the South Bend, Indiana, mayor said. The crowd of about 250 at a Mississippi River park in southeastern Iowa this month erupted with cheers.
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