Killing the Ocean |
The oceans are “crying for mercy,” a fact that is starkly revealed in a telling 900-page draft of a forthcoming UN report due for release September 25th. |
Gaddafi vs the West: Two Revolutions on the Wrong Side of History |
By GARIKAI CHENGU 2019-09-24
The two revolutions that have occurred in Libya over the last 50 years could not be more diametrically opposed....The New York Times, that is highly critical of Gaddafi’s democratic experiment, conceded that in Libya, the intention was that “everyone is involved in every decision. People meet in committees and vote on everything from foreign treaties to building schools.”.... In 2011, the West’s objective was clearly not to help the Libyan people, who already had the highest standard of living in Africa, but to oust Gaddafi, install a puppet regime, and gain control of Libya’s natural resources. |
How the Trump administration limited the scope of the USDA's 2020 dietary guidelines |
By Laura Reiley 2019-09-21
...the consumption of red and processed meat, as well as the dramatic proliferation of ultra-processed foods... -- the most critical questions as the nation faces an epidemic of lifestyle diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. They also represent the issues that large food companies find most objectionable because they would likely cast high-sodium, high-sugar, high-saturated fat and highly processed foods in a poor light... poor diet is the No. 1 cause of ill health in the country, leading to 700,000 deaths annually... humans must dramatically alter food production to prevent the most catastrophic effects of global warming, one of its central imperatives reducing demand for beef.... The dietary guidelines are under assault from multiple directions: veiled organizations representing the interests of beef, dairy and Big Food... the administration's decision -- pro-industry moves such as relaxing restrictions on processed foods and sodium levels in the school lunch program... The Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services staff, which administers the nation's domestic nutrition assistance programs, is also led in this administration by former food industry executives. // OUTRAGEOUS!!! -- The New Legalist editor |