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Current Affairs Review
Labor Puts Candidates On Notice: 'Let's Be Honest About The Democratic Party's Record'
By Dave Jamieson   2019-08-19
“both parties” are to blame for a system that caters to the rich...We are caught in a web of century-old labor laws that prioritize unchecked corporate greed over all else,”...
A rural town confronts its buried history of mass killings of black Americans
By Teresa Krug ,The Guardian   2019-08-19
Tomgram: Adam Hochschild, America's Real War
By Adam Hochschild   2019-08-18
This is the US brand of "Liberty", "Democracy", "Human Rights"!!! See RELATED: Shell Workers Had To Attend Trump Speech To Be Paid, Were Ordered Not To Protest: Report
Opinion: The Nearing 'Train-Wreck' in Hong Kong
By Greg Cusack Columnist   2019-08-17
Andrew Yang says ‘immigrants are being scapegoated’ — and a new study backs that up
By Aarthi Swaminathan   2019-08-17
RELATED: How a Trump construction crew has relied on immigrants without legal status -- The most brazen-faced HYPOCRITE!!! / A Third of Americans Avoid Certain Places Because They Fear Mass Shootings
Ominous Signs From the Hinterlands
By GEORGE OCHENSKI   2019-08-16
Trump told Americans “trade wars are easy to win.” But that’s coming from a guy who thinks a “trade war” means stiffing the contractors at his failed casinos ... The signals from the hinterland clearly show we are not winning.
Christian leaders are warning of 'Christian nationalism,
By Nicole Einbinder, INSIDER   2019-08-16
A group of Christian leaders have published a statement warning about what they call the threat of 'Christian nationalism' in the US. They argue that Christian and American identities must remain separate, to not jeopardize both US democracy and their Christian faith. / RELATED: How A Nationalistic Strain Of Christianity Is Subtly Shaping America’s Gun Debate
Mueller and Trump: Blah Blah Blah
By CHELLI STANLEY   2019-08-15
RELATED: President Trump has made 12,019 false or misleading claims over 928 days
Massacres at Home and Abroad
By JOHN MARCIANO   2019-08-14
Where do you all, who are running for president of the U.S., stand on this issue? Even the "working-class candidate" Sanders also has an "extreme blind-spot for US imperialism which gets almost no attention in national political discussion despite the US being engaged in multiple wars and various forms of imperialist aggression all over the world" (see ERIC DRAITSER: Dear Progressives for Warren: Your Class Is Showing) -- The New Legalist editor
Tomgram: John Feffer, How to Decide the Fate of the Planet
By John Feffer   2019-08-14
RELATED: We don’t have 12 years to save the climate. We have 14 months / Water Not Oil: Battle Cry Of The Blue Planet
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