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Current Affairs Review
Farmers Lash Out At Trump After Latest Trade War Blow From China
By Mary Papenfuss   2019-08-12
The Mauritius Leaks show the West profiting from poor nations while depriving them of tax revenue
By Max de Haldevang   2019-08-12
Big Western multinationals are the biggest exploiters in the world, the ultimate root cause of all the troubles facing mankind and, so, the NO.1 arch enemy of the human race. -- The New Legalist editor
Blame culture of violence, not the internet, for Instagram star Bianca Devins' viral murder
By Megan U. Boyanton   2019-08-11
This culture of violence and dominance is not only against women, but also against all others not belonging to "MY" tribe, race, country, religion, interest group and what not. It has been there ever since the Roman Empire, if not earlier. -- The New Legalist editor / Nothing Less Than a Revolution Can Save Us / RELATED: 460,000 Premature Deaths: The Horror That Was Nuclear Weapons Testing / Radiation in parts of Marshall Islands 'higher than Chernobyl'
The most deplorable ethnic Chinese clown / Why does the U.S. hate Huawei (Two videos))
By Nathan Rich   2019-08-11
RELATED: IMF contradicts Trump: China hasn't manipulated its currency
We Only Have 18 Months To Save The Planet From Climate Change: BBC Says
By Andrew Kerr   2019-08-10
RELATED:Today's Climate Change Is Worse Than Anything Earth Has Experienced in the Past 2,000 Years / New UN Report Puts A Dagger Through Climate Deniers’ Favorite Argument / Climate change isn't an intangible future risk. It's here now, and it's killing us / Climate Crisis Means the Ruling Class has Failed. Can the Working Class Inherit the Earth?*
'Dying of whiteness': why racism is at the heart of America's gun inaction
By Lois Beckett,The Guardian   2019-08-10
RELATED: Here's the data on white supremacist terrorism the Trump administration has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress / White people, what are we going to do to stop white nationalism?: Readers sound off
Hiroshima Unlearned: Time to Tell the Truth About US Relations with Russia and Finally Ban the Bomb
By ALICE SLATER   2019-08-09
Trump’s 3 lies on trade
By Rick Newman   2019-08-09
Mueller hearings showed why everyone hates Washington
By Paul Brandus   2019-08-09
...our degraded culture is whether you’re slick on TV, and if you’re not, well, you’re a schmo. We live in a superficial, image-driven, dumbed-down culture. All that matters is how you look and sound....
White Supremacy Goes Prime Time
By CHANDRA MUZAFFAR   2019-08-08
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