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Talk East & West
China's U.S. Envoy Says 'Dangerous to Advocate Confrontation'
By Thomson Reuters   2018-02-23
Mayan civilization was much vaster than known, thousands of newly discovered structures reveal
By Cleve R. Wootson Jr.   2018-02-17
Geostrategists: Give Russia and China a Rest
By Leonid Bershidsky   2018-02-17
Any school kid knows they stand out on a map, but it's not quite clear why they loom so large in the Western mind. Their immediate relevance to the lives of Europeans and Americans is comparatively low, after all, unless one wants to use them as noncontroversial issues that can unite societies deeply divided on matters of more substance.
Ancient Human Genomes Reveal Complicated Split into Europeans and Asians
By Sarah Sloat, Inverse   2018-01-31
China's Four New Great Inventions In The Mobile Era
By Wifi.Com   2018-01-05
The Origin Point Therapy: Latest development from channel theory in traditional Chinese medicine (video)
By Chang Chaohan (张钊汉)   2018-01-01
With The New Legalist Editor's Note.
Mao Reconsidered
By Godfree Roberts   2017-12-26
Mao Reconsidered, Part Two: Whose Famine?
By Godfree Roberts   2017-12-26
When ‘culture clash’ gets in the way
By Christian Science Monitor   2017-12-20
With comment from the New Legalist editor.
Ancient China: Colossal Waterway System Built by 5,000-Year-Old Liangzhu Civilization Discovered by Scientists
By Kastalia Medrano ,Newsweek   2017-12-08
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