Location:Home Talk East & West
Talk East & West
Why Can't Everyone Do the 'Asian Squat'? All the way down! Not on your toes!
By SARAH ZHANG   2018-04-07
... America’s bowel problems can be blamed on toilet seats (the argument has to do with the anorectal angle) ...
BOOK RECOMMENDED: 1434 The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance
By Gavin Menzies   2018-04-06
The End of the Old System in Tibet Was a Historical Inevitability
By China State Council   2018-03-30
The myth of a neo-imperial China
By PEPE ESCOBAR   2018-03-27
New Silk Road infrastructure projects could bring back a peaceful and prosperous Eurasia. / "China will not be a threat to others -- This is determined by the long-standingly deep-rooted Chinese cultural tradition..." -- The New Legalist editor
A clash of civilisations played out at SCMP’s annual China Conference: the full debate (Video)
By Jane Zhang   2018-03-25
A debate between American journalist Keith Richburg and Chinese venture capitalist Eric Li got passionate.
American Seniors Wearing Chinese Costume: The beauty of harmony
By wenxuecity.com   2018-03-21
5 New Silk Road Projects That Will Alter Your View Of How The World Works
By Wade Shepard   2018-03-19
China Says Its "Moderate" Defence Spending Rises Are No Threat
By Reuters   2018-03-07
China will not be a threat to others -- This is determined by the long-standingly deep-rooted Chinese cultural tradition: China in history has always been adopting a strategically defensive military policy towards nomadic neighbors or modern imperialist aggressors and has many times peacefully assimilated invading foreign ethnic groups into her own culture; while in contrast Western tradition, most typically represented today by the U.S., ever since the Roman Empire, has been aggressive towards other areas, countries, ethnic and faith groups as sources of slaves and serfs, natural resources, other forms of wealth, markets for commodities and capital, or as scapegoats for social and natural disasters brought about by slave/serf owners, colonialists, monopoly capitalists and imperialists in their inhuman pursuit of selfish interests. Actually the biggest threat today to all others, to world peace and to the survival of the human race on Mother Earth comes from the Divided States of America, from the invested interest groups under the hegemonic capitalist system and the die-hard upholders of this most shameless and unavoidably declining capitalist-imperilist empire. The world's peoples cannot be cheated for too long. Capitalism will not be saved from its doom by any deceptive propaganda. -- The New Legalist editor
Top 10 Chinese tech and engineering marvels that amaze the world
By People's Daily Online   2018-02-24
Chinese millennials are about to kick US millennials’ butts
By Zak Dychtwald VIEW AUTHOR ARCH   2018-02-24
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