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Talk East & West
Please Join the Kickstarter Campaign to Help Fund a Chidren's Book with an Asian Girl, Pepper Zhang, as the Main Character
By Jerry Zhang   2017-05-14
The story behind Pepper: One day, my oldest daughter, Madison, told me she didn't want to be Chinese. It happened during a period when she was obsessed with the book characters Madeline and Eloise. She kept asking me why she was Chinese and they weren't, and whether she can have blonde or red hair like they do. This prompted me to look for books with Asian characters for Madison to be exposed to; the few I managed to find were heavily cultural, and Madison didn't connect with any of the characters in them. That's when she told me she didn't want to be Chinese anymore, and it broke my heart....
Some amusement: Chinese firefighters' crazy jump rope skills (Video)
By Business World   2017-05-11
Xi Can Teach Trump How To Make America Great Again
By Helen H. Wang   2017-04-08
Moving forward, globalization may have elements of easternization as well because the center of global economic activities is moving east. Americans should not be afraid of this either.
Why China's Internet Has Overtaken the West
By David Robson   2017-03-17
We’ve reached a watershed moment in Chinese people’s online lives – and their innovation will lead the way for the rest of the world.
Designed in China (Video)
By BBC   2017-03-16
CIVILIZATION OF NOMADS — New research changes our understanding of who built ancient Silk Roads
By ANNALEE NEWITZ   2017-03-14
Previous studies used the wrong algorithm and missed an obvious hypothesis.
China's high-speed train -- The way towards openness and renovation (video with English subtitles)
By Lee Foon Yang   2017-02-23
Goin’ Eastward: 5 Reasons I am Moving to China
By Alexander Barron   2017-02-22
kids dance jasmine flower 2017 Purdue Spring Festival Gala (video)
By Sue Ellen Ross   2017-02-22
BOOK NEWSLETTER: Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment
By Robert Wright   2017-02-04
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