Location:Home Talk East & West
Talk East & West
The Myth Of Western vs Chinese Education Superiority (Radio interview)
By Godfree Roberts   2016-10-05
Hi tech: How China's high speed rail is built (video)
By China Train   2016-10-04
Massive New 'Silk Road' Port Set To Transform Georgia And Enhance China-Europe Trade
By Wade Shepard   2016-10-01
China automatic parking robot (video)
By Haifeng International Limited   2016-09-30
Time Might Only Exist in Your Head. And Everyone Else’s
By NICK STOCKTON   2016-09-29
And related articles by the New Legalist.
From Made In China To Invented In China: 'Chinov8!'
By Rebecca Fannin   2016-09-28
China developing 500km/h trains to lead export of high-speed rail technology
By Eugene Tang   2016-09-28
For U.S. Minority Students In China, The Welcome Comes With Scrutiny
By ANTHONY KUHN   2016-09-18
What Does the Rise of China Mean for the Rest of the World?
By Kim Petersen   2016-09-16
Interview with China Rising author Jeff Brown
Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?
By RICARDO LEWIS   2016-09-03
A new study has energized a century-long debate at the heart of China's national identity.
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