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Current Affairs Review
Top British bosses earn nearly 400 times more than minimum wage
By Reuters   2017-03-23
The New Legalist editor: "Prime Minister Theresa May vowed to bridge the gap between those at the top of society and those at the bottom by forcing companies to disclose pay ratios and put workers on boards to curb excessive behavior." When will we see this happen in US, too?
How Cancer is Mainly Caused by The Intake of Acidic Food
By mrgreendude   2017-03-23
Some of the alkaline foods are fresh fruit and nearly all freshly grown vegetables. Also nuts, seeds, grains and legumes are all alkaline foods.
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Words Not to Die For
By Andrew Bacevich   2017-03-22
The New Legalist editor: The continued expansionist military policy seems contrary to the current president's isolationist economic policy, but actually both are rooted in big capital hegemony.
Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don’t want the job
By By N. Kitroeff and G. Mohan   2017-03-21
Trump’s immigration crackdown is supposed to help U.S. citizens. For California farmers, it’s worsening a desperate labor shortage.
100,000 people commemorating the anniversary of the Paris Commune uprising of 1871
By AFP   2017-03-20
Tens of thousands marched in Paris on Sunday to support firebrand leftist presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, who has shaken up France's election campaign with a surprise jump in the polls.
Two fake news writers reveal how they ply their trade
By Rob Pegoraro   2017-03-19
The New Legalist editor: This society is going downhill to the Hell, real fake or disguised fake!
New protest bills: Stamping out 'economic terrorism' or chilling free expression?
By Patrik Jonsson   2017-03-18
Republican lawmakers in at least 18 states have proposed a spate of bills making blocking streets a felony in North Carolina, allowing businesses to sue people protesting them in Michigan, and forcing Minnesota protesters pay the costs of policing.
Petition to remove Congress members' health care subsidies gets nearly 500,000 signatures
By Alix Martichoux   2017-03-18
Kids Use ‘Dr. Seuss Week’ To Teach Classmates About His Racist Cartoons
By Caroline Bologna   2017-03-17
The GOP Is America's Party of White Nationalism
By TierbsHsotBoobs   2017-03-16
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