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Current Affairs Review
Twitter Reminds Trump of All the Times He Said Not to Attack Syria
By Erica Gonzales,Harper's Bazaar   2017-04-11
Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, Road Rules, or Rediscovering My Country from Cuban Soil
By Mattea Kramer   2017-04-10
3 charts that explain US-China relations
By George Friedman   2017-04-08
US threats against North Korea and the danger of war in Asia
By Andre Damon   2017-04-07
Demobilizing America: A Nation Made by War and a Citizenry Unmade By It B
By Tom Engelhardt   2017-04-06
Fed up with the 2 parties, a group of centrists rises up
By Jon Ward   2017-04-02
The Centrist Project’s organizing principles are vague. The group wants candidates to seek cooperation rather than conflict, to represent people before political parties or special interests, and to be motivated by public service rather than self-interest. The messy business of hammering out a more precise agenda or platform will come down the road if the Centrist Project has electoral success. At the moment, it is trying simply to achieve liftoff.
[RIGHTIST] Populism's Effect On Mainstream Parties
By Christian Science Monitor   2017-04-02
"It means that even if the populists lose at the ballot box they still win." This shows the failure of Western-style democracy with its multi-party competition component. -- The New Legalist editor
San Francisco Bay Area political events: Farmworkers march
By Sarah Ravani   2017-04-01
Trump advisers richer than previous White House officials
By Julie Bykowicz & Stephen Braun   2017-04-01
Tomgram: Rajan Menon, Making America Insecure Again
By Rajan Menon   2017-03-30
A man who himself benefited handsomely from globalization, outsourcing, and a designed-for-the-wealthy tax code nonetheless managed to convince coal miners in West Virginia and workers in Ohio that all of these were terrible things that enriched a "financial elite" that had made itself wealthy at the expense of American workers and that electing him would end the swindle.
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