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Current Affairs Review
Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?
By WashingtonsBlog   2014-11-29
Hong Kong Beware of “Democracy, Demo-crazy or Depocrisy”
By Paul Chong   2014-11-29
Obama’s Pivot to Asia: Can China Contain America?
By John V. Walsh   2014-11-20
New book slams economists; author explains why
By Kevin G. Hall   2014-11-16
Jeff Madrick, a longtime writer on economic matters, discusses his new book: “Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World.”
This Chart Shows Just How Much Humans Are Driving Global Warming
By Chelsea Harvey   2014-11-16
Overconsumption & Overpopulation Fuels Climate Change: Breeding Ourselves To Extinction
By Dady Chery & Gilbert Mercier   2014-11-16
Federal Contract Workers Go On One-Day Strike at U.S. Capital
By Tom Raum   2014-11-15
Obama – Xi Jinping Talks Underscore US War Threats against China
By Patrick Kelly   2014-11-14
US-China climate deal aims to prod others to act
By JOSH LEDERMAN   2014-11-12
Book Review: Democracy for the Few, by Michael Parenti
By amazon.com   2014-11-11
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