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Book Review: Democracy for the Few, by Michael Parenti
By amazon.com
2014-11-11 11:18:10
Source: amazon.com

DEMOCRACY FOR THE FEW is a provocative interpretation of American Government. It shows how democracy is repeatedly violated by corporate oligopolies, and how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the system. By focusing on the relationship between economic power and political power, discussing actual government practices and policies, conspiracies, propaganda, fraud, secrecy and other ploys of government and politics, this book stands apart in its analysis of how US Government works.

Editorial Reviews


"Democracy for the Few is a radical text that will educate, entertain, inspire, and provoke students to read, think, and be critical." - Dan Brook, Ph.D., San Jose State University

"Democracy for the Few is the most clearly written, innovative and thought provoking textbook I’ve seen. I find it hard to imagine a better text! This book will make your students understand how the American government functions while forcing them to think for themselves. Even if you don’t agree with the viewpoint taken by Parenti, this book will help spark invaluable classroom discussions." - Dr. William A. Pelz, Elgin Community College

About the Author

Michael Parenti has taught political and social science at a number of colleges and universities, and now devotes himself full time to writing and guest lecturing. He is an internationally known, award winning author who has published 21 books, including: God and His Demons (2010); Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader (2007); The Culture Struggle (2006), and The Assassination of Julius Caesar (2003).Various writings of his have been translated into some twenty languages. His publications, including previous editions of Democracy for the Few, have been read and enjoyed by students, lay readers, and scholars, and have been used extensively in hundreds of college courses across the country. Dr. Parenti lectures frequently throughout North America and abroad. His various talks and interviews have played widely on radio, television, and the Internet. Some 300 articles of his have been published in magazines, newspapers, websites, and scholarly journals, including American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Social Research, and New Political Science. For more information, visit his website: www.michaelparenti.org.


Most Helpful Customer Reviews

By Michael Smith on August 1, 2010

Democracy For The Few is an outstanding scholarly review of capitalism as not just an economic model but as an entire social system. It brilliantly treats the contradiction between democratic and elitist values, relentlessly exposing the realities of class power and powerlessness. The author doesn’t simply make assertions; he carefully considers the arguments underpinning capitalist legitimacy and finds them sorely wanting on rational grounds. He covers all the major themes of capitalism vs. democracy: the grotesquely lopsided distribution of wealth; corporate propaganda masquerading as objective journalism; self-serving mythology about the U.S. Founding Fathers; the subjugation of labor; the amelioration of capitalist exploitation with social democratic advances (the New Deal); the socialization of risk and the privatization of profit; military intervention abroad and the maintenance of a global system of power; ecological catastrophe and the attack on social programs; institutionalized injustice masquerading as law; political repression and incipient police state tactics; the international dimension of class struggle; elections as public relations extravaganzas; the buying of the Congress; the president as Commander in Chief of world empire; the partisan courts, and suggestions about how to transcend this system with real democracy.

Well researched, elegantly written, soundly argued. Buy it, use it, tell others about it.

By Beyond This on February 9, 2011

Definitely not what you learn in high school or most college classes. This book gives a truer perspective of American Government and practices. Highly recommended read even if you disagree with what you find.

By AlanWarner on June 27, 2014

This book is so profound and well written that I have a hard time leaving anything out of my review, the entire chapter 19 Democracy for the Few starting on page 268 is a good place to begin at the section titled "What is To Be Done" starting on the bottom of page 277 is vital must read material, another must read section is chapter 13 "Mass Media: For the Many, by the Few" starting on page 163, the section titled "The Ideological Monopoly" beginning on the top of page 167 is especially delicious. If you only buy one book a year this is the book you should buy and carefully read every last word in it.

By Woodford Matthew on March 6, 2013

This book explains how the American political system was designed by its founders not to establish government by the people but to limit and curtail democracy, which they viewed as simply mob rule; and how American history is a history of class struggle between the populace and a hostile ruling elite from whom further democratic gains had constantly to be wrested. It is written simply and clearly and its relevance has only increased since it was first written.

By Amy Rodriguez on March 30, 2014

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!! so insightful to our political and social realities. anyone will benefit from reading this book.

By MYRONCUZ on August 31, 2014

great product! looks great and highly recommended to family and friends. so far so good


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