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Current Affairs Review
China Labor Activism: 'Concertmaster' Duan Yi Tests Beijing's Boundaries
By Reuters   2014-12-08
The Rise of German Imperialism and the Phony “Russian Threat”
By James Petras   2014-12-07
Israeli Nukes Meets Atomic Irony in the Middle East
By Paul R. Pillar   2014-12-07
The EU to Become a “U.S. Colony”? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty
By Peter Koenig   2014-12-04
HK students becoming others' paw
By Han Dongping   2014-12-04
The language of protest: Race, rioting, and the memory of Ferguson
By Abigail Perkiss   2014-12-03
Abigail Perkiss from Kean University examines protests over the Ferguson situation and the use of the word “riot,” which has a long and complicated history in United States history.
Eight Innovative Industries China Does Better Than Anywhere Else
By Ana Swanson   2014-12-01
Ferguson isn’t about black rage against cops. It’s white rage against progress.
By Carol Anderson   2014-11-29
Washington’s Secret Agendas
By RIA Novosti   2014-11-29
Noam Chomsky calls US ‘world’s leading terrorist state’
By RT.com   2014-11-29
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