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Current Affairs Review
In San Francisco, making a living from your billionaire neighbor's trash
By Thomas Fuller   2019-04-12
SAN FRANCISCO — Three blocks from Mark Zuckerberg’s $10 million Tudor home in San Francisco, Jake Orta lives in a small, single-window studio apartment filled with trash. There’s a child’s pink bicycle helmet that Orta dug out from the garbage bin across the street from Zuckerberg’s house. And a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a coffee machine — all in working condition — and a pile of clothes that he carried home in a Whole Foods paper bag retrieved from Zuckerberg’s bin....
The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century
By DAVID KLION   2019-04-11
Failure at the center has left the United States up for sale to the highest bidder.
China's Workers Are Protesting Tech's Deadly '996' Overtime Culture. Alibaba's Jack Ma Says He Requires It.
By Lulu Yilun Chen   2019-04-11
To survive at Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. you need to work 12 hours a day, six days a week. That’s what billionaire Jack Ma demands of his staff at China’s biggest e-commerce platform.
Donald Trump Is Trying to Kill You
By Paul Krugman   2019-04-10
What’s Life Like as a Student at U.S.C.? Depends on the Size of the Bank Account.
By Jennifer Medina   2019-04-09
BOOK REVIEW: How the U.S. Creates ‘Sh*thole’ Countries by Cynthia McKinney
By Danny Haiphong   2019-04-08
Cynthia McKinney and her co-writers have produced an important literary tool for anti-imperial agitation and education.
Tomgram: Rajan Menon, Whose Money? Not Yours
By Rajan Menon   2019-04-07
Pope warns against hate-fomenting 'fake news'
By AFP   2019-04-06
"There are huge economic interests operating in the digital world, capable of exercising forms of control as subtle as they are invasive, creating mechanisms for the manipulation of consciences and of the democratic process," the pope wrote.
People Will Never, Ever Rebel As Long As They’re Successfully Propagandized
By Caitlin Johnstone   2019-04-05
A 5-YEARS-OLD BOOK ABOUT A 200-YEARS-OLD STORY: Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America
By Xinfajia   2019-04-04
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