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Current Affairs Review
Tomgram: Engelhardt, American Election Exceptionalism
By Tom Engelhardt   2019-05-31
Julian Assange’s Victory
By Andre Vltchek   2019-05-30
Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, The 100-Year-Old Echoes of 2019
By Arnold Isaacs   2019-05-29
America’s False Narrative on China
By STEPHEN S. ROACH   2019-05-28
Tomgram: Beverly Gologorsky, Health Care That Makes Us Ill
By Beverly Gologorsky   2019-05-27
How is China able to provide enough food to feed its population of over 1 billion people? Do they import food or are they self-sustainable?
By Janus Dongye Qimeng,   2019-05-26
The Tariff Issue
By Paul Craig Roberts   2019-05-16
Tomgram: Ann Jones, Our Veblen Moment
By Ann Jones   2019-04-17
Veblen observed a world in which that leisure class, looking down its collective nose at the laboring masses, was all around him, but ... His anthropological studies revealed earlier cooperative, peaceable cultures that had supported no such idle class at all. In them, men and women had labored together, motivated by an instinctive pride in workmanship, a natural desire to emulate the best workers, 。。。Veblen zoomed in for a close up of America’s most influential man: “the Business Man.” To Veblen, he was “the Predator” personified: the man who invests in industry, any industry, simply to extract profits from it. Veblen saw that such predators created nothing, produced nothing, and did nothing of economic significance but seize profits.... Later in life, Veblen, the evolutionary, felt sure that the American capitalist system, as it was, could not last. He thought it would eventually fall apart....To the end, Veblen had hoped that one day the Predators would be driven from the marketplace and the workers would find their way to socialism. Yet a century ago, it seemed to him more likely that a Gilded Business Man would arise to become a kind of primitive Warlord and Dictator and the triumph in America of a system we would eventually recognize and call by its modern name: fascism.
9-YEAR-OLD NEWS:Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks
By theonion.com   2019-04-14
Can you believe it???!!!
Harvard’s freshman class is more than one-third legacy—here’s why that’s a problem
By Emmie Martin, Yoni Blumberg   2019-04-13
Legacy students tend to be wealthy and white, two demographics that are already disproportionately represented at many colleges, especially the most selective ones.
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