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Current Affairs Review
Japan's historical denialism "destructive": Washington Post
By Xinhua   2014-09-05
Sen. Warren Criticizes Washington-Wall Street 'Revolving Door'
By Andrew Romano   2014-09-05
China announces cuts to executive salaries at state companies
By AFP   2014-08-30
Obama’s “Catastrophic Defeat” in Ukraine
By MIKE WHITNEY   2014-08-30
Washington's "Pivot" hits a Brick Wall
To My Fellow Zillionaires
By Nick Hanauer   2014-08-30
China tells U.S. to reduce or halt 'close surveillance' patrols
By Reuters   2014-08-28
Cancer deaths double in Argentina's GMO agribusiness areas
By Lawrence Woodward   2014-08-26
Good comment: China rejects U.S. criticism over jet encounter
By Xinfajia   2014-08-24
Police often provoke protest violence, UC researchers find
By Kurtis Alexander   2014-08-22
The US War Culture Has Come Home to Roost
By Gilbert Mercier   2014-08-21
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