Location:Home Classical Chinese Economics
Classical Chinese Economics
Classical Chinese Economics, II: The Harmony-with-Nature Principle
By Yuzhong Zhai   2009-12-20
This is a re-posting. The article was first posted on this website on 2008-07-12. The significance of this re-posting is self-evident. -- The New Legalist editor
Classical Chinese Economics, IV: The Storage-by-the-State Principle
By Yuzhong Zhai   2008-07-12
Storage played its pivotal role basically in two aspects: the storage of basic products, and the issue of Commodity Reserve Currency (CRC)....No later than 2000 years ago, the Chinese civilization had already developed a complete mechanism for national economic accounting and government performance evaluation, i.e., the social and economic report system.
Classical Chinese Economics, III: The Balance-of-Interest Principle
By Yuzhong Zhai   2008-07-12
Classical Chinese economics advocates a dynamic balance between the interests of different social classes,...realized through a series of economic and political means, such as regulation of prices, equalization of taxes, and equal access to natural resources.
Classical Chinese Economics, II: The Harmony-with-Nature Principle
By Yuzhong Zhai   2008-07-12
...our remote ancestors placed ecological harmony above all other considerations when handling economical affairs instead of trying to conquer Nature through continuously ever-expanding large-scale industrial production....The regulation of consumption and of capital is an important component of the harmony-with-Nature principle in classical Chinese economics.
Classical Chinese Economics, I: THE Three Cardinal Principles
By Yuzhong Zhai   2008-07-12
THE two years 1123 BC and 1937 AD witnessed two important events in the development of human economics: the former, King Wen of Zhou (周文王) instituting the State Storage System and issuing CRC (Commodity Reserve Currency) for the first time in human history, while the latter, ... Obviously, in this vital area of macro-economic management, classical Chinese economics anticipated its modern Western counterpart by 3160 years!
Daoism and Ecology
By James Miller   2008-01-18
In Daoism,the universe is a single, vital organism, not created according to some fixed principle but spontaneously regenerating itself.
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