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Current Affairs Review
World leaders close ranks on climate change: 'Paris agreement cannot be renegotiated'
By Alexandra Zavis   2017-06-02
The current US government is the only exception!!!
States, cities pledge action on climate even without Trump
By JOHN FLESHER   2017-06-02
Workers endured long hours, low pay at Chinese factory used by Ivanka Trump’s clothing-maker
By Drew Harwell   2017-06-01
How America's 'ground-zero' for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers' group
By Lisa Cohen, CNN   2017-06-01
Is US downplaying the threat of a nuclear disaster? Scientists slam regulators for not doing enough
By India Ashok   2017-06-01
The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism (Book Introduction)
By David M. Kotz   2017-05-30
Book Review: A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey (2005)
By Florence Lee   2017-05-30
A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Book Introduction)
By David Harvey   2017-05-30
Pope Visits Factory Workers, Highlights the Dignity of Work
Pope Francis highlighted the struggles that workers face in a globalized economy with a visit Saturday to a troubled steel factory in Genoa, where he stressed how jobs give people a sense of human dignity and denounced those who exploit workers. "One sickness of the economy is the gradual transformation of entrepreneurs into speculators," the pontiff said. "The speculator doesn’t love his business, doesn’t love the workers, but only sees the business and workers as the means to make profit." Francis also denounced those who claim that workers do their jobs only for the money, saying that "denies the dignity of work."
What if US quits climate deal? Doesn't look good for Earth
By SETH BORENSTEIN   2017-05-28
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