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Remnants of Ch'in Law (19): Group D: Answers to questions (秦律答問) (6)
By Anonymous
2008-09-09 02:08:55

(Translated by A.F.P. Hulsewe)

[D166] What is the meaning of "Palace Inspector"? He is the person in charge of the watchmen inside the palaces.

[D167] What is the meaning of "Palace watchmen"? Palace servants who have suffered a mutilating punishment -- that is the meaning of Palace watchmen.

[D168] What is the meaning of "Palace Hounds’Constable" and "Outside Hounds’Constable"? Both are persons in charge of the king's dogs.

[D169] What is the meaning of "Field men"? Field men are the persons who guard the tombs of Duke Hsiao and Duke Hsien.

[D170] What is the meaning of "illustrious counsellors who serve"? Those who in serving arrive at being known to the king,as well as officials (with a salary of) six hundred bushels and higher are all illustrious counsellors.

[D171] What is the meaning of "furnace man"? Anciently it was the person in charge of furnaces and stoves.

[D172] What is the meaning of "Collector"? Anciently,it was the person in charge of gathering firewood.

[D173] What is the meaning of "diviners’ servants with their beard shaved off and astrologers' servants with their beard shaved off"? Diviners and astrologers warranted to have their beard shaved off have their beard shaved off and are made diviners’ and astrologers’servants.Later,this statute was changed (and their punishment was) like that of other people.

[D174] What is the meaning of“man marmot”? What is meant by "man marmot" is that his children go to take care of their master.If they do not go to take care of their master,they are warranted to be confiscated.If, although they do not take care of their master, they bring in food,they are not confiscated;they are given back to their master.

[D175] What is the meaning of“hiding households”,as well as of“not en-rolling stalwart youths”? To hide households,not making them perform statute labour and work,and not ordering them to produce the household tax -- that is the meaning.

[D176] What is the meaning of“posted men”and“watch men”? Suppose a gaol has six posts...are called“posted men’’:the others are all called “watch men”.Some say that (those who) guard incarcerated convicts are watchmen;originally they were posted men.

[D177] What is the meaning of“leaders and stalwarts”? Leaders and stalwarts are (men) fit for (the post of) Village Chief; that is what is meant.

[D178] What is the meaning of“highway crowds”? When there is a great (levy of) statute labour and the labour gangs fight and rush at each other, that is the meaning of“highway crowds”.

[D179] What is the meaning“to…one's post”? Is“to…one's post”to leave one's post,or is it not? It is.How is this to be sentenced? Hence (like) leaving one's post.

[D180] What is the meaning of "travellers"? Lodgers as well as strangers -- that is the meaning of“travellers”.

[D181] What is the meaning of“the people of the house”? What is the meaning of“dwelling together”? “Dwelling together”means“only the mother of the household”.“People of the house”means“the whole house”,all those who are warranted to be co-adjudicated with a criminal.

[D182] What is the meaning of“…”? A … is a label for jade.Once the jade is lost,or somebody has displaced it,by looking at the label one may know its size and thereby pronounce sentence as well as impose a charge according to (the Statute on) Equipment.

[D183] What is the meaning of“to hsun jade”? As regards“to hsun jade”,when strangers from the feudal lords come on a mission and enter Ch'in,it is apropriate that they take jade to enquire after the king.This is meant by“to hsun iade”.

[D184] What is the meaning of ch'ieh mien? As regards ch'ieh mien,suppose that persons from Ch'in go on a mission,and capable official of the other state and those who march as troops accompany them,the foreign officials are called ch'ieh and those who march as troops are called mien.

[D185] What is the meaning of "(to involve) people (by) concealing"? (To involve) people (by) concealing is when A takes along his clothes and hides these in B's house,whereupon he announces that these are lost,wishing to cause that B will be considered as having stolen them,whereas in fact he did not steal them -- that is meant.

[D186]“To give loans to people in excess of the Statutes,as well as giving to people”.What is the meaning of“giving to people”? When it is not warranted to give a loan (and yet) to give them a loan — that is meant by "giving to people".

[D187] “To give supplies’to people in excess of the Statutes as well as giving to people” What is the meaning of“giving to people”? When it is not warranted to give supplies,and yet by mistake to give them supplies -- that is meant by“giving to people.”

[D188] What is a“serious wound”? A serious wound is when a limb has perhaps not been completely severed,(but the injury) goes so far that the leader or the chief has to order two men to support him out -- that is a serious wound.

[D189] What are“serious mistakes”? (Mistakes in the number of) households,horses,cattle,as well as all goods whose value exceeds 660 cash are serious mistakes;the others are small (mistakes) .

[D190] What is the meaning of“sheep's eyes”? “sheep's eyes”is an herb with edible seeds.

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