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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 24: Name and Form(黄帝四经24: 名刑)
By Anonymous Author
2008-05-30 03:06:01
(Translated by Sherwin Lu)
To foretell success or failure, one must check the names of things and their forms (what the names stand for) against each other.
Everything has its own way of presenting itself; we should not tamper with them. Everything has its own course to take; we should not impose our will on them.
What is due to come, let come; what is due to go, let go: we should not be bothered at all. Can we stay at one with everything? Stay unruffled? Stay non-egocentric and choose only to follow the natural way of things?
     Whatever the situation, ruffling or soothing, one should always remain in a state of disinterestedness, so that one can respond naturally to any happenings even when they are crowding in. One should not stop the outdated from phasing out, still less to hold it against what is coming in. What is gone is gone; what has come is new.  Whether new or old has its own reason for existence at its time; one only needs to let nature take its course..
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