Location:Home Classical Chinese Philosophy
By Leeliang
2008-01-11 01:15:06

 I am reviewing Mr. Lu's article during my leisure time. I happen to have much interest in Lao Tzu lately. Mr. Lu's effort of trying to tie modern Chaos or Complex theory with ancient China's philosophy is a good attempt. I may have some comment to it once I can find a time to do it.

A few years ago an economist in Stanford was awarded a Nobel Prize for his works by injecting chaos theory into economics, a first attempt and I think it is the right approach. I am also very familiar with Murray Gellmann's work in complexity.

Murray, himself another Nobel Physicist, was originally with Cal Tech and later has moved to New Mexico's Santa Fe Institute to focus on the study of chaotic and complex behaviors.

But don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the crown of "Nobel Prize", I have simply stated some facts in the above.

[From author's Jan. 10, 2008 letter to editor.]

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