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New York Times' Anti-China Propaganda (video)
By Nathan Rich
2019-01-30 01:16:11

 Source: youtube.com


The New Legalist editor’s note: 

What is exposed in the video "New York Times’ (NYT) Anti-China Propaganda" is only one instance in the campaign initiated by the Trump administration to demonize China in an attempt to "Make America great again". The NYT’s is a distorted story about a Chinese cancer patient. It actually involves two issues: the medical treatment system and medical therapy. Regarding the system, the NYT’s ridicule of China is just like a dying person laughing at a recovering patient. And, regarding the therapy, it is a pity that the patient (though smart enough to reject Western medicine’s surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which actually speed up patients’ death instead of saving them) was not aware of the Origin Point Therapy, a new development from traditional Chinese medicine, which has been proved very effective -- a slap in the face of NYT’s arrogance -- see Proven effectiveness of Origin Point Therapy in treating cancer (video at 3:33). 


New York Times’ Anti-China Propaganda  (video)

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