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Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
By Eric Schaal ,The Cheat Sheet
2018-05-24 01:01:15

 Source: cheatsheet.com

When candidate Donald Trump said he was gong to “drain the swamp,” most people thought it meant he would stop corruption in Washington D.C. That means limiting access of lobbyists, curbing deals with foreign governments, and refusing to profit off the White House. 

Well, that never happened. In fact, since Trump got to D.C., America has seen an unprecedented attack on presidential ethics. We’ve witnessed Trump campaign donors get cushy White House jobs, Goldman Sachs bankers write the GOP tax plan, and a spokeswoman promote Ivanka brands on TV.

Call it Swamp 2.0, or “The D.C. Swamp on Steroids.” But no one is profiting like Trump himself. Since the president continues profiting from his businesses, each of the 110 days Trump spent at his properties in 2017 was a marketing event. Likewise, every time someone stays at the Old Post Office in D.C., Trump gets paid.

But these are just a few examples of Trump and family monetizing the presidency.

The Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign spending and politicians’ finances, published Trump’s financial disclosures in late 2017. From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office.

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Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency.

1. Trump’s hotels

  • Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in 2017.

According to financial disclosures, Trump hotel revenue soared over the past few years. In 2015, records show just $16.7 million in hotel and resort revenues. However, that amount doubled to $33.8 million during the campaign and election year. Since Trump began occupying the White House, hotel income jumped about 80%, reaching $60.8 million in 2017.

These extraordinary numbers appear easy to explain. After all, Trump opened the Old Post Office hotel in D.C. late in 2016 despite the clear guideline that “No elected official of the Government of the United States…shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease.” Since then, it has become the go-to hotel for any foreign visitor looking to win favors from the Trumps. It’s also become the headquarters of GOP activity in D.C.


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