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Evangelical leader Collin Hansen believes we live in 'a culture full of fear and loathing' (Video)
2018-03-06 03:30:12

Source: abcnews.go.com

Collin Hansen says he’s watched with confusion as leaders from his evangelical Christian community staunchly defend President Donald Trump.  

“You used to think morality is important. Now, morality is not important. You used to think repentance is important,” said Hansen. “President Trump says that he’s never had anything to ask forgiveness for. I mean it is very confusing.”

For the Alabama-based editorial director of the Gospel Coalition, a network of evangelical churches in America, the head-scratching has now given way to alarm. Hansen believes the inability of public figures like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Tony Perkins to maintain their moral credibility by continuing to defend offensive or un-Christian behavior by Trump is a threat to the church itself.




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