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Bill Maher: It’s An ‘Inconvenient Truth’ That Climate Change Deniers’ Homes Are In Irma’s Path
By Lee Moran
2017-09-10 10:52:24

Source and Video: huffingtonpost.com

“Real Time” host Bill Maher has noted how Hurricane Irma looks likely to destroy the vacation homes of several high-profile climate change deniers.

“The deniers all have beach houses in the way of the storm,” Maher said during the opening monologue of Friday night’s show. “[President Donald] TrumpRush LimbaughAnn Coulter, the Koch brothers all have houses that are gonna be wiped out, probably.”

“I’m not gloating. It’s just an inconvenient truth,” he added, referencing former Vice President Al Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary on global warming.

With Irma barreling toward the state, Maher also urged people in Florida who were watching his show to “stop” and “get the fuck out right now.”

“I’m seeing colors on the hurricane maps I’ve never seen before,” Maher said, before interpreting them in his own way. “If you see yellow like Trump’s hair, take extra care. If you see orange like his face, shelter in place. Red like his ties to Russia, just evacuate now.”

Check out the full monologue ....

As hurricanes and wildfires rage, US climate politics enters the realm of farce

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