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Earth Overshoot Day 2017 lands on August 2
By overshootday.org
2017-07-29 12:49:21
Source: overshootday.org

We say “stop!” to Earth Overshoot Day creeping up the calendar year after year, as humanity’s global Ecological Footprint expands further beyond what the planet can renew.

Currently, carbon emissions make up 60% of humanity’s Ecological Footprint. Consider this: If we cut carbon emissions in half, the date of Earth Overshoot Day would be pushed back by 89 days, or about three months. This is possible and would reduce humanity’s demand to the ecological resources of 1.2 Earths instead of 1.7 as is the case now.

In November 2016, 190 countries’ commitment to maintaining global warming below the 2 degree Celsius threshold was ratified. Imperfect as it may be, the Paris Climate Accord generated global goodwill and hope that humanity was ready at last to tackle its biggest challenge yet. On June 1st the Trump Administration reneged on America’s promise. In contrast, we, together with many governments, businesses, NGOs, and individuals, are doubling our commitment. Because it is necessary, possible and desirable to #movethedate.

Gaining 5 days every year is all it takes to bring humanity’s Ecological Footprint back to one planet before 2050. And solutions abound.



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