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Support for Donald Trump's Impeachment Is Way Higher Than His Latest Approval Rating
By T.marcin
2017-07-05 10:02:49
Source: yahoo.com

For a minute there, things were looking up for President Donald Trump. By late last week, his approval rating was hovering around 40 percent, which isn't great but marked an improvement for the former reality TV star. But then Trump spent the holiday weekendrailing against the press and blasting off tweetstorms—and the president's approval rating took a plunge.

Gallup's tracking poll pegged Trump's approval at just 37 percent to start off July, while disapproval stood at 57 percent. Last week, Gallup found the president's approval rating had briefly climbed to 40 percent before the fall-off back into the 30s.

The Gallup poll interviewed 1,500 U.S. adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Trump's 37 percent approval rating is dismal, especially for a president so early in his tenure, when the American people typically afford the office a grace period of sorts. Around this point in his first term, for instance, former President Barack Obama had a 60 percent approval rating.

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Things have gotten so bad for Trump that far more people support impeaching him than support the job he's doing in the Oval Office. A survey in recent weeks from Public Policy Polling—a firm that does public surveys as well as polling for Democratic candidates—found that 47 percent of voters supported impeaching Trump. Americans could, perhaps, feel that way because 49 percent believed the president had obstructed justice in the ongoing investigation into his ties to Russia, according to the Public Policy Polling survey.

Even Trump's average approval rating is a long ways off from the support for his impeachment. The weighted average from data-focused website FiveThirtyEight pegged his approval rating at just 39.5 percent Monday, while 54.4 percent disapproved. The FiveThirtyEight average adjusts for polls' quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean.

Despite a dismal approval rating, it was more of the same from Trump Monday morning. He redoubled his efforts to trash the press, tweeting, "At some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with ISIS, the border & so much else!" This followed numerous anti-press tweets over the weekend, including a bizarre post with a video of him wrestling a person with a CNN logo instead of a head. (This doctored video was harvested from a Trump pro wrestling appearance.)

Meanwhile, calls for Trump's impeachment have surged. Dozens of marches against the president took place in towns across the country over the weekend, including one in Los Angeles. California Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat who has drafted articles of impeachment against the president, delivered remarks at the end of the march. 

"We have to act now to protect our country from abuse of power and impulsive, ignorant incompetence," Sherman said, according to the Los Angeles Times

"Lock him up," the crowd chanted in response. 

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