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California regulators launch new campaign against harmful climate pollutants
By Chris Megerian
2017-03-24 09:47:24
Source: latimes.com

California opened another front in its fight against global warming on Thursday, launching a new strategy for slashing so-called super pollutants that have an outsize impact on the climate.

The plan targets emissions such as methane from cow manure, black carbon from diesel exhaust and hydrofluorocarbons from refrigerators. Regulators at the Air Resources Board, which approved the strategy, and other government agencies will now need to write detailed rules for achieving the reductions.

As the world races to limit rising temperatures from climate change, some experts have suggested that targeting these pollutants could help make big gains more quickly. They hope the state's action will help demonstrate policies that other governments could imitate.

“California is the living laboratory for the world, and it’s moreso true now than before,” said Veerabhadran Ramanathan, an atmospheric scientist at UC San Diego who has advised state leaders on climate policies.

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