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The rich have gotten so rich that they are ‘destabilizing societies’
By Shawn Langlois
2016-11-25 11:09:05
Source: nypost.com

Photo: Shutterstock

Despite the best efforts of those raging against income inequality, the chasm between the world’s haves and have-nots doesn’t appear to be getting any narrower.

According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, a mere 0.7% of the global population owns nearly half the world’s wealth. At the other end, 73% of the popular have less than $10,000 each.

“In recent years, there has been a growing sense that the economic recovery is shallow, and has not reached all layers of society,” researchers said in the study. “Evidence from our global wealth database supports this view.”


Here’s what the current wealth pyramid looks like:



At the top of the pyramid, the number of global millionaires has soared by 155% since 2000, while the ranks of the ultrarich has had an even more significant spike.

The trend is only expected to continue. In 2000, the top 1% owned 49.6% of all household wealth. By 2009, that figure dropped to 45.4%. Since then, it has moved past the 50% mark, and it doesn’t look like that the trajectory is about to shift.

Oxfam International’s Max Lawson, in a response to the study, says inequality has reached “shockingly” high levels, and changes need to be made.

“This huge gap between rich and poor is undermining economies, destabilizing societies and holding back the fight against poverty,” he said. “Governments must act now by cracking down on tax dodging, increasing investment in public services and boosting the income of the lowest paid.”

Worldwide, it was a mostly stagnant year for overall wealth, but the U.S. and Japan were able to buck the trend. The U.K., however, took a big hit in the wake of Brexit, losing $1.5 trillion of its wealth when the pound was crushed. Furthermore, the U.K. lost more millionaires than any other country.

Switzerland remains by far the wealthiest country in the world, per capita, with its average citizen’s net worth 11 times that of the world’s average, which hasn’t change from last year at 52,800 each.


This article originally appeared on Marketwatch.

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