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Collusion of the Political Establishment and Media
By Pujie Zheng
2016-10-20 11:37:41
Source: washeng.net


    (Original title: The Reason I Like Trump)
    I don’t agree with a lot of Trump’s policies (e.g., the wall, the 35% import tariff, etc.), but Trump’s campaign is making clear an important issue that has been hiding for far too long: the collusion of the political establishment and media. 


    Today, most Americans are dissatisfied with the political system but most of them don’t know why. They see reports in media that the politicians are fiercely adversarial but did not know that it is an illusion created by the two establishment parties and media. In reality, the two-party system is basically you scratch my back and I scratch your back. Why not? It’s all with taxpayers money. When Trump’s polling data look bad, it is the Republicans (e.g., Paul Ryan) quickly jumped up to trash Trump’s campaign. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    One may ask: why is the media part of the scheme, as the media is not living on taxpayer’s money. That is true enough, the media is nonetheless a part of the establishment, operating in collusion with the government. The entire scheme starts with the government-run educational system, which teaches the kids neither the political and economic history of the nation nor the economic realities today (I am going to leave mathematics and English alone here). The fact is that those who stick with the educational system would not even learn the economic realities after they complete their graduate school courses. That educational system results a population who must see the economic reality right before their eyes to understand the harm of big government policies. That is the voting disparity between the young and old, because the older people have seen the economic disaster in the 1970s and the Reagan revolution in the 1980s, are against the big-government Obama/Hillary Clinton policies, but the younger people, who were born after that turn, are ignorant of the fact and must go down the same big-government path again to see the harm of the big-government with their own eyes to understand Hayek’s Road To Serfdom, which was first published in 1944, because Hayek’s reasoning is not taught in the government-controlled educational system. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    With the ignorant population, the two-party political system is set up to be a wrestling match. Yes, there are ideological differences, which is the reason my views are more Republican than Democratic, but both parties are in this game. The media is only too happy to report the fist-fight in real time, mostly for show, not for real policy matters. That is why the politicians are in the business of selling out their constituency in exchange for political capitals in Washington, either Democratic or Republican. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    That’s why Judy Chu, who represents largely a Chinese immigrant community, led the fight against the increase of H-1B quota in exchange for her own political capital. It is just politicians playing games with taxpayers’ money trading voters’ interests, all for their own gain. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    I probably should spend a few lines on the H-1B story, because it is precisely to the point. Many think that Clinton is for immigrant. Wrong. She is for refugees, illegal immigrant, or any other blocks of immigrants who are uneducated and ignorant. She is deadly against the educated immigrant, i.e., H-1Bs, or foreign workers with bachelor’s degrees performing specialty occupations in the U.S. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    To illustrate the point, when Obama went to the Silicon Valley to tout his projects to boost the American manufacturing early in his presidency, Steve Jobs of Apple asked him to allow foreign engineers to come to the U.S. through H-1B to help U.S. manufacturing. He told Obama that Apple employed 700,000 factory workers in China, supported by 30,000 engineers. Jobs’ problem with Obama’s manufacturing plan is that the U.S. does not have the 30,000 engineers, so it is impossible for Apple to hire the 700,000 manufacturing jobs, regardless the cost. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    Obama told Jobs to go to Washington to allow illegal immigrant to naturalize. In exchange, he would give Jobs his 30,000 H-1Bs. There is no mistake what type of immigrants that the Democratic Party wants. They want the ignorant to form solid Democratic voting blocks to give the Democratic Party the permanent majority. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    The interesting thing is that, in the early days of Obama presidency, Obama actually asked his aids to look into how to educate the needed engineers in the U.S., so H-1Bs would be unnecessary. But that, of course, was impossible, because it had to take a educational reform to accomplish that. Since any meaningful educational reform would involve introducing competition into the present-day government-controlled monopolistic educational system, the educational lobby, which represented the cozy education establishment, would be against it. Obama quickly dropped that. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    When the Republicans put up the law to expand H-1B, the Democratic Party threw out Judy Chu, the ethnic Chinese who represent largely a Chinese community, to lead the fight against the bill, which was duly defeated. Judy Chu then got her political capital in Washington for standing up against her own people’s interests, not to mention the nation’s. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    In recent years, we see all the fights in Washington D.C., but nothing gets done. The media talk about dead-lock, etc., but the reality is that the entire thing is nothing but a show. People at one another’s throats before television cameras return quickly to their friendly terms off the floor to do their dirty deeds, e.g., divvy up the taxpayer’s money to get their political clout. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    You ask why the Democrats could ship bus-loads of people around to vote and nothing happens. You ask why Clinton is so sure of herself that she could violate the law and adopts the strategy of keep denying it. It is because that she is a political insider and has confidence with the political establishment that that she would not be prosecuted. Yes, things are so bad that today’s politicians actually think that they are beyond the reach of the law. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net

    Trump is not part of the establishment and is speaking out about the political-media establishment. That makes him the public enemy number one, not just for the Democratic Party and the so-called mainstream media, but the Republican establishment in Washington as well. That is why we are seeing the entire Washington establishment against Trump. They don’t want Trump’s big mouth to speak out their dirty little secrets. They want their business as usual. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    That is also the reason why the media are so viciously against Trump, but not other Republican candidates, because other Republican candidates are also professional politicians, this one, i.e., Trump, is not one of their own. Trump must be defeated at all cost. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net"

    Trump’s second debate is so refreshing is because that after Paul Ryan, the leader of the Republican establishment, had come out against Trump, Trump said that the shackles were off. Facing the situation that the Republican establishment are turning against the Republican presidential candidate, Trump could come out to say: I don’t want Ryan’s help. I haven’t heard any political statement this refreshing since Reagan. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 

    When I was doing a radio talk show for AM1300, before the station fired me, I said many times that I was the Don Quixote fighting the windmill, with no hope that I would put a dent on anything. Now, I am happy that Trump, who got a much bigger speaker, is speaking out about these things. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    America is great because we have people like Donald Trump, who would give up his comfortable life to come out to take all these assaults, which will undoubtedly keep coming until the election day, because Clinton needs to her finger on the hate button of the female voters. ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net" 


    However, win or lose at the end, Trump has exposed the political system to a lot of people, who will look at our political and media institutions with a whole new view from now on. For that, three cheers to Trump. ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net" 

    Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.


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