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"We Need a Nuclear Phase-out - Not a Nuclear Bailout!"
By Tim Judson
2016-07-23 07:17:35
 Source: org2.salsalabs.com

Dear Friends in New York - TODAY is the last day to send your comments opposing the proposed $7.6 billion nuclear tax to the Public Service Commission. If you haven’t already done so, PLEASE do so today. Together, we can stop this outrageos deal from going through.

There will be more opportunities for action next week, but getting thousands of comments into the PSC today is vital to our plan.

Please spread the word and share with your friends and social media networks. You can share our facebook post here.

Thanks for your activism!
Tim Judson

Executive Director


New Yorkers: Stop the $7.6 Billion Nuclear Tax!

Step 2: Tell the Public Service Commission -

"We Need a Nuclear Phase-out - Not a Nuclear Bailout!"

July 20, 2016

Dear Friends in New York,

Your actions this past week won us a short extension - giving New Yorkers nearly an extra week (until Friday) to make our voices heard. 

Now we need to send a strong message to the Public Service Commission (PSC) opposing the $7.6 billion nuclear tax. The PSC is still planning to vote on the bailout on August 1, and we need as many New Yorkers as possible to load the public comment record with as much opposition as possible.

So please BOTH take action AND get the word out to your friends and social networks TODAY.

There are so many reasons to oppose this bailout, but what it boils down to is this:

New York would waste 12 years and $7.6 billion of state residents’ money on propping up dirty, dangerous, uneconomical, old reactors--which are going to shutdown anyway--instead of spending that time and money building the clean, green economy we need.

Tell the PSC to drop the nuclear tax, let these dirty, dangerous, old reactors shut down, and double down on the real clean energy solutions. Tell the PSC there is no "nuclear bridge" to clean energy--the only bridge to clean energy is ... clean energy!

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So why is the PSC doing this? What the commission and Governor Cuomo say is that the state can’t meet its ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if nuclear power plants shut down.

That’s bogus. The state has produced not a shred of evidence that that is the case. 

In fact, the PSC is relying on an industry-funded report that is so full of holes, you couldn’t play tennis with it. It seems more and more that this is about politics: Exelon’s vast lobbying and PR machine, and two upstate communities desperate to save local jobs and property taxes.

This is about politics: Exelon’s vast lobbying and PR machine, and the concerns of two upstate communities worried about losing jobs and property taxes.

Here’s the truth: New York can do better WITHOUT nuclear power--preventingnuclear accidents, ending the creation of radioactive waste, reducing carbon emissions faster, creating more jobs, and creating real solutions for nuclear workers and their communities.

No need to spend $7.6 billion bailing out nuclear power. Save energy and make New Yorkers’ lives easier. Build our green economy faster and create more jobs, with more investment in clean energy. And actually help nuclear workers and their communities make the transition. 

Here are some more reasons to oppose the $7.6 billion nuclear tax:

  • The state has not considered any alternatieves to it. In fact, rather than consider alternatives, the PSC’s revised nuclear tax is several times worse: locking in subsidies for 12 years, costing billions of dollars more money.

  • Nuclear power would become the most heavily subsidized energy source in the state, with $2 going to nuclear for every $1 spent on renewables.

  • The PSC woud label nuclear power "publicly necessary" as a "bridge to clean energy"--setting a dangerous precedent both for New York and the rest of the country. The last time a dirty energy source was labeled a "bridge," we ended up with fracking and more natural gas than any other electricity source.

  • Nearly all of the state’s nuclear reactors will close before 2030, with or without subsidies, meaning they can’t possibly help meet New York’s greenhouse gas emissions goals. Any money spent postponing their closure is money wasted on developing clean energy to replace them.

  • The new nuclear tax could keep the Indian Point reactors near New York City from shutting down. The PSC proposal opens the door for Indian Point to be declared "publicly necessary"--pumping billions of dollars in subsidies into keeping Indian Point going, rather than shutting it down.
Stay Informed:
NIRS on the web: http://www.nirs.org

GreenWorld: (NIRS’ blog chronicling nuclear issues and the transition to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system) http://www.safeenergy.org

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