Location:Home Classical Chinese Philosophy
Darshan Karwat: Living Zero Waste
By sustainability.umich.edu
2015-11-08 10:39:31
Source: sustainability.umich.edu


Event Date and Time: 
Ross School of Business, Room 2210

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American produces about 4.4 pounds (2 kg) of garbage a day, or a total of 29 pounds (13 kg) per week and 1,600 pounds (726 kg) a year.

But, not for University of Michigan student Darshan Karwat...

Darshan is ...a Rackham Ph.D. student studying aerospace engineering. He completed his undergraduate degree here at the University of Michigan, as well. In March 2010, Darshan undertook a project. His goal? To produce as little waste as possible for a year. At the end of his project, he produced seven and a half pounds of trash (four lbs of glass, three pounds of paper, and half a pound of non-recyclables), significantly less than the average American.

Come see Darshan speak about his experiences and learn how you can make a difference, too!

The event is hosted by Net Impact Undergrad who will be providing some delicious organic pizza from Silvio's on compostable plates and silverware. Bring your own water bottle to drink from, and feel free to invite friends!

The event is on December 1, 2011 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the Ross School of Business, Room R2210

See Facebook for Details

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