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BOOK REVIEW: Myth America: Democracy vs. Capitalism by William Boyer
By amazon.com
2015-07-26 09:58:38
Source: amazon.com

Myth America exposes the lag of major American institutions behind the demands of the 21st century and the reinforcement of this lag by the media and schools miseducating the public. The author shows how the priorities of these institutions are undermining rather than achieving ecological sustainability and social justice.

Corporate power is driving public policy and Americans are being propagandized in the name of education to believe that capitalism is the basis for a democratic society. Foreign policy then projects self-righteous myths to justify world dominance and threatens the future of humanity. The search for strategies to gain public control of these dangerous currents is interwoven throughout the book.

Editorial Reviews


Do you remember how you felt when you learned the truth about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? Well brace yourself, because William H. Boyer has written a book that challenges everything you thought you knew about the country you call home. Boyer dispels any ideals you may have when it comes to American democracy and so brilliantly exposes the dark side of our nation that the reader cannot escape the call to action. We have a moral and ethical obligation to future inhabitants of this planet to change our world and it starts here. --The Peace Worker, July-August 2005

A full frontal critique of the usurpation of democratic power by U.S. corporations, Myth America makes no apologies for its damning tone. The book is a snap shot of the moral indignation of an enlightened voice marginalized by the myopia and dominance of U.S. corporate culture. --Futures Bulletin, December 2003

About the Author

William Boyer is Professor Emeritus in philosophy of education from the University of Hawaii. He developed new areas of environmental education, futures studies, long range planning, and war prevention. He has been an activist and community organizer and created a movement to provide legal rights for future generations. Previous books are "Education for Annihiliation", "Alternative Futures: Designing Social Change", "America's Future: Transition to the 21st Century" and "Education for the 21st Century"
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