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Bad News For Social Security and Medicare
By Michael Ford
2015-07-21 06:57:29
Source: thecrux.com


The 2016 presidential race is heating up, and politicians are already talking about the subject of “Social Security reform…”

But don’t be fooled – this seemingly innocuous phrase hides the true intention of this political rhetoric: Social Security cuts.

For example, Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, who is pegged to run for the republican ticket, recently told a reporter:

“I’m going to ask [people] to give up a little bit to make sure the system doesn’t fail… If we don’t, the baby boomers are going to wipe out Social Security and Medicare. We’ll become Greece.”

SEE ALSO: What Every Retiree Needs to Know About Maximizing
Social Security Benefits

Graham has been proposing cuts to Social Security for at least a decade, citing the inability of the government program to remain solvent in the future… and he’s not the only one.

President Obama was under fire for a major Social Security cut he outlined in the White House’s 2015 budget proposal.

Seniors were outraged when the Obama administration proposed a new cost of living adjustment (COLA), which some experts say would have cost seniors “thousands of dollars in benefits over their lifetimes.”

But few people realized that there was another proposed cut to Social Security, buried much deeper in the White House document…

On page 150, in black and white text, the White house said it intends to “eliminate [the] aggressive Social Security claiming strategies” that some Americans are using to maximize their Social Security benefits.

RELATED: 40% of People Surveyed Regret Making One Big Mistake
When Collecting Social Security

Most Americans don’t realize this, but there are real and proven ways to dramatically boost your social security payments. And all of these options are still available — because Obama’s Social Security cut proposals never made it into law.

For example, one couple from Boston used a simple strategy that earned them an estimated $50,000 extra from Social Security in just four years.

One of the experts on these claiming strategies is Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff — a Boston University professor and former economic advisor to Ronald Reagan.

Dr. Kotlikoff says there are several totally legal and easy ways to boost your Social Security payments. You just have to understand how these strategies work, and how to put them to use.

Dr. Kotlikoff has written much more about this subject. To learn more about the specifics on how to boost your own Social Security payouts, before Congress threatens to shut them down, go here.

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