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Canada found that the United States made ​​the old map that shows the South China Sea belongs to China
By inews163.com
2015-05-27 01:49:33
Source: inews163.com

The New Legalist editor’s note:
Please see the hard facts from the map and through the faulty translation.


Map under Paracel Islands (Xisha China says) name, in particular to join (China) tab to display the map carvers will “Paracel Islands” included in the territory of China.

Original title: Vancouver now American system map shows the South China Sea belongs to China

Vancouver market recently appeared in the United States a hundred years old Rand McNally mapping company produced 1947 version of the map, the map will be a lot of the South China Sea islands and reefs marked sovereignty belongs to China.

Local time May 24 issue of Canada, “Ming Pao Daily News” reported that from the bottom of Vancouver recently, Vancouver garage sale to sell a 1947 edition of “Collier’s World Atlas and Gazetteer” map and geographical dictionary, because it is the old books, goods with a little ragged, the maps are not inside the modern map as colorful, almost nobody cares.

The dictionary included a map drawn by Rand McNally Company, its title is “Chinese, French India, Siam, and South Korea’s public map” (Popular Map of China, French Indochina, Siam, and Korea). Maps will be China, Vietnam, and Thailand tied together, so the South China Sea is also included. Within the map of the South China Sea islands and reefs are described in detail, and some reefs are more clearly marked sovereignty belongs to China.

Even more interesting is, the report said, the map Paracel Islands (Xisha China says) under the name, in particular to join (China) tab to display the map carvers will “Paracel Islands” included in the territory of China.

Publication of the dictionary in 1947, is rather delicate in the history of the year, it may be the relationship between China and the United States most closely ever year. World War II had just ended. During the war, the United States and China are allies to jointly cope with an enemy against Japanese aggression. And in 1947, the Cold War has not yet start.

It is reported that draw the map of Rand McNally is a more than a century old company, founded in 1856 by the William Rand, two years after joining hired Andrew McNally, 1868 the two were joint Rand McNally & Co .. The company has been a mainstay of the US mapping industry reputation second to none in the mapping industry.

Also within this atlas contains a map of the Philippines and the Nansha Islands, is drawn by Rand McNally. Reported that, although the relationship between the United States and the Philippines has always been close, but the mapmakers of the Nansha Islands and the marked six names, no one is the Philippines from the name.

It reported that China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and reefs of the sound can be traced to the cable has been sailing era. Central “in the industry island” It is reported that there is a Chinese temple built in the Qing Dynasty (Joss House). Taiwanese officer Zhang Zhenguo cruise Nansha Islands in 1956, followed by written as “Nansha line,” a book written inside: “Taiping Island and the industry on the island, there is an Earth Temple …… intermediate support the stone statue of land, despite years of wind and rain, but also stripped miscellaneous vague, and dressed in the form of their sculpture is still looming, the South, South-key, months, etc. West Island have similar temple. “display Nansha Islands and China’s deep history.

The report quoted research scholar Zheng Hailin, 1933, after the Japanese occupation, “Nansha” reefs, which was included in the territory. World War II, Japan was defeated, according to the “Cairo Declaration” and the “Potsdam Proclamation,” Japan must be those reefs occupied by force returned to China, so China has indisputable sovereignty over these islands and reefs.

The report also quoted a history professor at the University of Victoria Price (John Price) noted that after the war when all reefs sovereignty fix the details of the negotiations on behalf of the United States at that time in order not to recognize China’s new regime on the border demarcation has been evasive tactics. When the United States needs to take advantage of Okinawa (Ryukyu) and other Pacific islands as a military base on the sovereignty issue is unambiguous slave. He believes that when the United States made a chain effect triggered injustice continues today.

(Original title: Canada find that the American system of old maps show the South China Sea belongs to China)

Original link: http://war.163.com/15/0525/08/AQERMQ1200014OMD.html

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