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Sign for Peace and Democracy movement, Hong Kong
By Alliance for Peace & Democracy
2014-08-03 01:11:31

Source: sign4peacedemocracy.hk


The newly formed Alliance for Peace and Democracy today (3 July)announced the launching of a signature movement amongst all Hong Kong people to gauge their support for Peace and Democracy, as well as their opposition against violence and Occupy Central.

The signature movement, titled "Sign for Peace and Democracy movement", comprises both elements of on-line submission as well as in-person signature.

The on-line submission version will be open to the public from August 2, while in-person signature stations will begin operation on July 19. The entire signature movement, both on-line and in-person will close on August 17.

A spokesman for the "Sign For Peace and Democracy" movement said its high time the silent majority get a chance to speak out and show the world what their desire is.

"If people desire peace and not violence, if they want universal suffrage in 2017, and not Occupy Central, let them sign their name and let all know what the majority think," he said.

"This is a signature movement, not any self claimed referendum. But we will do our best to ensure that the result will be credible. The entire signature process will be held under a far tighter system and process, with adequate scrutiny."

Details of how the public can take part in the on-line and in-person will be announced once details are finalised.

The spokesman said the Alliance was formed only recently. "We are overwhelmed by the spontaneous and enthusiastic response. It is clear that many in Hong Kong are deeply worried about the threat of violence to Hong Kong," he said.

"We now have ( 30 something) organisations and individuals participating already. That is only the beginning. We invite organisations to join us if they wish to participate in the signature movement. Our only request is that they help organise signature campaigns among their members or in the community."

The spokesman added that funding will be raised internally by contribution from participating organisations.

For a list of the organisers and organisation of the Alliance, please see the enclosed.

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