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China's Qin Gang sharing with Obama lessons from history
By fmprc.gov.cn
2014-05-30 10:23:47
Source: fmprc.gov.cn

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on May 29, 201 (An Exerpt)

Q: First, President Obama made a speech on May 28. He talked in particular about America remaining the global leader for the century to come. What does China think of his words? ...

A: It seems that the US really enjoys being the leader of the world. However, in the field of international relations, I wonder if there also exists Paul the Octopus who can predict the future.

China once led the world for more than one hundred years in history. The rise and fall in history left us with both experience and lessons. Today, we still talk about the wisdom recorded over 2,000 years ago in a chronicle called Zuo Zhuan. It reads: some rulers can lead their states to unstoppable prosperity because they examine themselves instead of blaming others, like Emperor Yu and Emperor Tang, while some bring their reigns to swift demise because they always criticize others, like Emperor Jie and Emperor Zhou. In the textbook of China's middle school students, you will not miss a masterpiece called The Faults of Qin written by Jia Yi, a famous statesman of the Han Dynasty. Jia explained to later generations how the Qin Dynasty, once so powerful and invincible, could be brought to its knees within a short time. One sentence I will never forget is that if a country does not exercise benevolence and uphold justice, it will lose its advantage to others. Today, we keep reminding ourselves that we need to embrace the historical trend of peace, development and cooperation, and keep up with the times, because that is the only way to ensure peace, development and enduring prosperity and stability of our country.


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