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Hollywood documentary brings Diaoyu Islands truth to new audience
By Xinfajia
2014-03-14 03:51:54

Sources: english.peopledaily.com.cn 


LOS ANGELES, March 12 -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe screened a new documentary about the Diaoyu Islands at the REAL D Theater on Tuesday, saying he hopes to show Americans the truth about the territory.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one of twelve documentaries in Nebe’s "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history, culture and rapid development to the world.

The debut attracted nearly 100 viewers, who learned from the 40-minute film that the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, and that Imperial Japan annexed the Diaoyu Islands from China in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War.

The short feature holds the view that "the real Diaoyu Islands conflict goes from the so-called administrative rights of the United States. After the Second World War, instead of returning the islands to China, the United States claimed ’administrative rights.’ In 1971, America gave the islands back to Japan, ignoring China’s long-standing claim."

In the last part of the film, Nebe asserts that "America can quell the tension by encouraging his Japanese ally to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize to Chinese people for the war crimes of Imperial Japan."

"My view point is that... the truth about Diaoyu Islands issues are completely wrong told by Western media. I hope the movie will change it. We are pushing to help Americans know the truth of Diaoyu Islands," Nebe said.

Japan should do the right thing and give the islands back to China, while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should go to Nanjing to apologize to China for the war crimes of Imperial Japan. These islands should not be a case for disrupting peace and harmony between China and Japan, he added.

Klaus Schmitt came to see the film with his wife. "Very little of my friends know Diaoyu Islands, only if you who are politically active or interested in history, but most people don’t know it," he said.

He believed that the film gave him a neutral overall view on the issue.

Audience member Lynn Crandall, who works at the University of Southern California, said the documentary encouraged peace. "The film is a strong statement for us to try to find peace, we must find a way to share the world in brotherhood. I believe we should be neutral. I think we are too much on the side of Japan, I think we should work for peace, not for divide."

Anthony D. Ross, a lawyer who said he did not previously know about the conflict between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, told Xinhua, "It tells a lot that I did not know."

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" will be broadcast on American public television and is also available on the Internet, according to Monarex.

(Editor:KongDefang、Yao Chun)

Related reading

Commentary: Respect truth, do right thing

by Xinhua writer Luo Jun

BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe has recently screened a new documentary about the Diaoyu Islands in Los Angeles, revealing to the U.S. public that the islands are Chinese territory.

The film tells the public that the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times and that Imperial Japan annexed them in 1895 after the first Sino-Japanese War.

As the film shows that the United States played a shameful role in keeping it from being returned to China after World War II.

"The real Diaoyu Islands conflict goes from the so-called administrative rights of the United States. After the Second World War, instead of returning the islands to China, the United States claimed ’administrative rights.’ In 1971, America gave the islands back to Japan, ignoring China’s long-standing claim," the film holds.

The film, called Diaoyu Islands-The Truth, presents a large amount of historical records, photos and videos from the U.S. National Archives and other institutions.

That means the United States fully has knowledge of the truth and intentionally keeps the American public from the truth. But truth will out eventually and when that comes, U.S. credit of standing for justice is definitely compromised.

Nebe felt deceived by saying "the truth about the issue is completely wrong told by Western media. I hope the movie will change it. We are pushing to help Americans know the truth about Diaoyu Islands."

Nebe also asserts in the last part of the film, "America can quell the tension by encouraging its Japanese ally to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize to Chinese people for the war crimes of Imperial Japan."

Unfortunately, the United States continues stubbornly to support Japan in its illegal occupation of the Chinese territory out of its small-minded political calculation.

Washington should know that meddling in the China-Japan territorial dispute, especially emboldening Japan’s unreasonable and unjustified claim, can not add up to its own "political assets," but creates resentment and tensions in the Asian Pacific region, which will harm its interests in the long-term.

An ordinary American viewer of the documentary said " I think we are too much on the side of Japan. I think we should work for peace, not for divide."

Washington should listen seriously to the voice of American public, respecting truth and doing the right thing to sincerely work for peace and undo damage.


Hollywood documentary brings Diaoyu Islands truth to new audience

LOS ANGELES, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe screened a new documentary about the Diaoyu Islands at the REAL D Theater on Tuesday, saying he hopes to show Americans the truth about the territory.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one of twelve documentaries in Nebe’s "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history, culture and rapid development to the world.Full story

Commentary: More honesty about history from Abe will serve Japanese pride better

BEIJING, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) -- On the solemn occasion of National Foundation Day, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called on fellow citizens to "express deep respect" for the effort of their "forebears" and go forward as "a Japan that has pride."

It is unquestionably correct for a political leader to take a country’s national day to "recall the founding of the nation and cultivate a mindset of love of the nation", but Abe’s recent efforts to whitewash Japan’s history of invasion lack sincerity and stain the sacred moment.  Full story

Moment of netizen: Foreign Diaoyu Islands documentary well liked


Global Times | Global Times
Published on March 13, 2014 20:38
Editor’s Note:

Are you up on what the hundreds of millions of Chinese netizens are talking about? Take a moment and get the rundown of what’s hot, what’s trending, and what’s drawing the most buzz on the Chinese blogosphere.

Foreign Diaoyu Islands documentary well liked

Diaoyu Islands, The Truth directed by Chris D. Nebe was released in Los Angeles in the US on Tuesday, defending the islands as Chinese territory since ancient times.

The documentary, part of the Mysterious China series produced by the Monarex Hollywood Corporation, tells the history of the islands, documents the dispute between China and Japan, and concludes that the islands are Chinese.

When China Central Television released the information on its official Sina Weibo account on Wednesday, Net users were quick to comment.

"The Diaoyu Islands were, are and will be Chinese territory," posted Net user Music_Power.

Another Net user Huashengdoudou posted, "There are always people knowing, telling and spreading the truth."

"The American government should encourage its ally Japan to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize for war crimes committed," wrote Yan Shaohua, a member of the Sina Weibo expert committee.

"Why do we need another country to reveal the truth?" wrote Wangxiaojian.

"It’s more convincing if the truth is recognized by other countries," replied Connieningmengshui.

"If an American shot a documentary offering the opposite view about the islands, what would China Central Television do with it?" posted Renshengchizi.

Global Times

Diaoyu Islands The Truth Released in LA (Youtube Video)




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